This is of my grandmother's sisters and brothers and their spouses plus my dad and his sister along with my grandmother and grandfather.

This is Carol's family with my dad's, Carl, family(the Georges). Carol is the center girl behind my little aunt next to her brother, Gene. My dad is between his mom and Carol's mom to the right. Carol's mom and dad, Aunt Bill and Uncle
Vestal were my dad's favorite relatives along with Carol and her brother, Gene. They spent summer vacations and traveled often to see each other. When Carol and her family moved to from Pecos, Texas to New York City my dad went to visit as a young man and they showed him around the city including Uncle
Vestal taking him to see the
Rockettes. Then when they moved to D.C. my dad again went for a full-tour visit. Those trips plus the ones they took to their grandfather's farm were some of the best childhood memories he had.

Here's one from a road trip with the Georges and the
Lotts. I want to go!

My grandmother is the one holding my aunt and she's flanked by her sisters and sisters-in-law.

This was my dad's sister, my Aunt
Marydith, where she crammed herself into her doll's buggy. Look at that sweet face!

I know it's not PC to have a photo with a big gun and ammo but my dad was always so good-looking. He was a beautiful baby and child, hunky teen and Texas A&M ROTC, record-breaking boxer at A&M, and Air Force officer. And even in his 30's and 40's my sister's friends would
oooooh and
aaaaah over him and hang around the school parking lot to get a peek at him when he dropped her off in the mornings. I just thought my dad looked so pretty (kinda Prince
Williamish don't you think?) in this picture I had to include it. He was a marksman (well he WAS several-generation Texan) but he was never a hunter. Some day I'll do a post on the personal exotic animal preserve he created as a hobby when we were growing up.
I love you Daddy, and miss you dearly. I know you are so happy that Carol and I have a great relationship, it's my pleasure.