Well it seems that painting my front door has become an annual event. Three years makes a tradition, right? So I'm revealing the new color and toys along with The Big Deal Purchase I Made at Round Top. Oh boy, hold on...

...so Paul asks when he gets home if it's pink or
coral. Coral, where did he get that? Osmosis I presume. I said coral of course and it has more orange in it than it looks here. And I'd never painted the antique glass door before so this was a big move. Sooooooooooo, when I was at the shop last night, I spied this bike. Nene and I had just been looking at bikes week before last and I had been jonesing for one ever since. I'd had a really wild idea about where I wanted to put it
in the house but since it's faded red...coral, if you will...it is too perfect out front. See Chloe Dog peeking out the door window? I was trying to wait for a sunny day...I don't want to sound at all negative...but I don't think we will ever see the sun again. Ever. I believe I mentioned in the last post that we're back to rain and 50's. I don't want to sound negative-there are so many worse things that can happen in the world-like a bad hair day.

Just a little rearranging on the other side, sprucing. I love our porch and love perking it up each year at this time.

I was pickled tink when I was lucky last week that Jody brought this great old, rusty mop bucket into...all together now...The Pink Cabbage. That may be the only up shot of not having a shop there-saving money. But along with that is the really down side of missing out on these things I don't even realize I can't live without until I see them.

Drum roll, here's the coup de gras that I purchased at Round Top. I received it a couple of weeks ago but just got the courage and pet boundary product to put it out today. Mac Kenzie-Childs! It was some kind of clearance or something because I paid probably what a platter usually costs from them. I've never priced either a platter or a rug from them but have always admired their art; see the tickled part? And the icing...

...the one I just happened to pick is signed by them!!! I would not have chosen this particular one just for that reason but it just made it that much better.

Do you ever wonder how far I can push all these guys I live with? I don't try, really I don't. I just had to have her-she's a stinking Tidy Widy for gosh sakes. I lost the one I had as a child in one of the many moves I made years ago and never recovered. I'm in recovery now. Don't call anyone, please don't narc me out to Nurse Rachet. I bought the dress from Karen at...all together now...The Pink Cabbage. Then today, Linda at TPC had the perfect hat to go with. Nene said she would not be so creepy if she had a task so I gave her a hand towel to help with. Nene and I got a little carried away...laughing so hard we were in tears...and decided she was the bathroom attendant and thought we should put out a little tip jar, etc. It went on far too long. She and I could share a padded room, not that there's anything wrong with that. So all has been revealed, wadayathink? Glad I kept the bike idea to myself...