Since I haven't been posting a lot right now I thought I'd at least show one of the things I did recently. It's been a while since I made anything that I wanted to keep and not sell at least right away. This is one. It just has something about it that speaks to me. I love the crepe paper rosettes that I've been seen being used lately and the paper flowers too. The rosettes came from Whim & Fancy Designs and the flower came from Sunny Skye Creations, both on Etsy. I had the monogrammed silver piece from who-knows-where BUT the basis was the metal piece behind that Janine brought to me from Ecuador. Actually, she brought two of them to me plus a great nicho that I have above my bed. Anyway, these metal pieces were, I think, religious icons. They are/were dirty, rusty brown pieces with water damaged and torn pictures and broken glass in them. She was kind of embarrassed to give them to me; said she was just going to throw them out. Well, ain't no old rusty crap gonna get thrown away on my watch! I've had them a couple, three weeks and just decided to play with them. I had already removed the glass and washed a lot of dirt away so they were ready to go. I painted this on with silver paint (splotchy) and just started gathering and placing things. I'm not usually very good about planning ahead but it just happened. I had already done something kind of cute with the other one and just finished assembling that one to sell but this one I want to look at for a while-I guess it's the silver with the pink with the tea-stained word flower with gray harlequin-all stuff I like and together. Otherwise I haven't been on because school started for us this week and I wanted to be ready with Mom Duty for after school and during I was doing house dooty. I'm getting more involved with the show house and Karen is doing a wonderful job (and what a job it is) but is finally ready for some input and help with the fun stage. I'll get some peep pics to post next time I'm out there, then lots of them when it's ready to be revealed. As usual, stay tuned...
"I make mistakes, I am out of control and, at times, hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." -Marilyn Monroe
So true....
Words of Great Wisdom
Fab Quote from Natalie's Blog
"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing." -Unknown
Thank you, Maija, for the award!!!
Silver Bella 2008!!!!!
Cowgirl Swap
Speckled Egg Journal Swap
Dalai Lama
Be the Change You Want to See In The World -Ghandi