At midnight I was the only one who didn't have an s.o. to kiss so a few minutes before I started scouting. I ended up settling for this poor ugly guy who also had no one to kiss and I took pity on him. Then when Andrew seemed to be getting way too into me I scared him off by introducing him to my boys as their new step daddy. He must have been an Olympian, it works like a champ every time!
Okay, well, we didn't get to Houston so we did both in Austin last night and it was great. We ended up at a small bar with a great small group of my boys' friends.

Here's me in Mamma Heaven, ringing in the new year with two of my three boys. Who do you think was the NON-designated driver? (He really wasn't like he looks in the pic, it's that he was caught in a blink-honest)

"Dude, who put alcohol in my booze and where the hell's my Happy Meal toy?"

"It's all good!" (Check out those guns!)

Great sign in the bar for pondering at a good time for pondering.

Snapped this from some guy's shirt...it's a classic. Need I say more later? There is an insane amount of things we did between this post and the previous one but totally enjoying not stressing over it. Everything seems to happening as it should and we are along for the ride of an awesome trip.