Don't want any spoilers here, so if you're Tina and this is your swap, go away for a few days!!!!
I just sent these off in the mail today. These are my pieces for Tina for the Cowgirl Swap that she is doing. I've been into "doing" the hats lately, had this Annie Oakleyesk piece for a while (obviously just for this reason), and the bird I got recently now has a cowgirl hat.
I was just reading on Tina's blog today how she doesn't like pink. "Well sheeeeet", I said, but then read on that she doesn't like pink in her wardrobe. Thank goodness a cowgirl hat is not wardrobe, it's an accessory to the wardrobe-whole 'nother thing. Whew! The collage below is housed in an 8" rusty metal clock case with ribbon "clouds and grass" and the antique figurines.
Here's the tag line for the collage. It says, "Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowgirls. Let 'em be doctors and crack hoes and such.". As usual, I crack myself up.
And the cowgirl hat. The toile ribbon could be pushed to red if need be, the berries are reddish, and the velvet leaves...well...they are pink, damn it.
Here's a close up of the badge I put on it. My friend, Karen, gave it to me in a box of goodies she didn't want. It says, "Special Police". I'll say.
And here's the velvety birdie with her cowgirl hat on. She's pretty stinkin' pink with lots of green though. I just love pink and an artist has to do what an artist does. I hope she likes it...