Next I took "momma's little helper" with a little water (two helpers, actually). Paul was also a great helper, he's seen this enough from me to know how to "handle" me. The nurse was soooooooooooo nice and compassionate which makes all the difference in the world, plus I was a little out of it, also helpful.
Two and a half hours later the doctor declared me "normal" for me, nothing wrong with the old ticker (if only my shrinks could get together for a similar declaration). He prescribed a week in Las Vegas as the perfect cure for the trauma of the stress test (they call it that for several good reasons).
Yippie!! I was very happy mostly that it was over with but the cherry on top was the good bill of health.
So now I'm free to get back to my regular lifestyle, it's business as usual, I couldn't find a photo of a sugar cookie dough roll but I snagged these favorites...
Okay, so next up is STILL THE SURGERY ON AUGUST 20th to look forward to plus the pre-op blood work I so courageously got done will be over 30 days old by then so I have to have that done again. So, until then, we've been in Lost Wages for two days and I still haven't caught up to posting those exciting pictures. Don't change that channel, I promise to start posting and catching up soon! Thanks for tuning in...