I finally got my photos all cropped, ready to go, and was just about to start doing some posting when Matt came home from school today with very bad news. The eight year old brother of one of the boys in my Outdoor Ed group was hit by a car and killed on Saturday. Joey (the brother) and two other boys Matt goes to school with witnessed the accident. The world has stopped turning, for the moment for us, for them...who knows. So sorry to do this but I felt the need to share. Please keep Joey, The Anastasi family and friends, and the other children effected by this in your thoughts and prayers. He was Vincent, Vinny, Anastasi and he's the one who is in the bossom of his Savior, happier than any of us can imagine. We, however, are trying to catch our breath. Might I suggest listening to When The Saints Go Marchin' In, Superman, and This Too Shall Pass?