As I mentioned in my last post, Paul had gotten into a conversation with a woman in front of Starbuck's and when I returned from a walk she and I took over chatting. We got to talking about this and that and some how got onto business and blogs and she asked me if I would mind helping her get her blog up and running. So yesterday morning I went to her beautiful condo at the village (the photos is on the last post) and we spent several hours together and some even working on her blog! This is a photo of Desiree to the right. I listed her website on my last post but will also add her to my links when I finish this.
You know how I'm always musing about how great it is that we get to make all these great connections and develope relationships with each other because of the internet? Well I'm happy to say that it can happen in real life as well. It was fun to jump back into the face to face experience; meet someone, get a good vibe, and develope a friendship. Desiree has many interesting relationship stories which began by chance meeting or an innocent, casual comment to someone in a line.
You know I love my guys but I could have easily ditched them the rest of the day to spend more time with Desiree and sharing stories. But my cell phone kept ringing with polite requests for my return, okay, they were whining.
That's Part One of Friday, I'm making a separate post for part two because it was like being in two separate universe. Part Two is the Beatles...