Thursday, February 4, 2010

Checking In/ Update Part Deux

Okay, so I finished my two weeks of starving my cleaning diet.  The timing was a little poor because at the end I was changing meds (weening off one to NONE then onto a new one right away).  I did loose 10 pounds.  I know what you're thinking, water weight, a big sneeze, but it was the phychology of it, just getting that jump start and I do feel better.  Turns out the new meds are killing my appetite.  Anyway, the new meds put me on a complete roller coaster ride nearing breakdown.  By breakdown I mean crying when a woman can't find the toilet paper in Target.  It was bad.  In the meantime, hubby was so worried that he called in the big guns.  He surprised me by making a plane ticket for my middle son, Justin, to come for a visit this weekend.  Can you just imagine how long that crying jag lasted?

In the meantime I moved my shop space once again at The Pink Cabbage.  I think I've found my home there.  Lots of light and a surprising amount of space-so much more than I had realized before I moved in-BONUS!

Thanks for stopping in and having a look.  If I EVER figure out how this new format on here works I'll get more posts going more often.  You can also check out my Facebook page under Stephanie George where I just declared openly this morning:  Hi, my name is Stephanie and I'm a Facebook addict.  My reasoning is that it's like a jigsaw puzzle of your past and present and I think it's fun and cool.  Check it out.