I always have a wonderful time just seeing Stacy (see previous a few posts ago) when we get together. I love her job because it brings Stacy within driving distance of me every few months.
While Stacy works I run around Richmond having fun and helping the local economy. This time I discovered Sweet Frog-wow!
I've been a huge Jamba Juice fan for many years and I've listed, somewhere, all the different cities and states I've had Jamba Juice. I worked in one of the first frozen yogurt cafe's in the country back in 1976, so I've had my fill. And I'm not a huge ice cream fan...I'd rather use calories on a cannoli. But the bright colors and warm weather drew me into this place-two days in a row. Keeping the same genre, I have always had chocolate with strawberries and whatever boosters at JJ, so I went for the chocolate (low fat!) with strawberries and then remembered how much I'd loved (and eaten) granola on chocolate frozen yogurt...so voila...they had it all and I made this beauty. So far they are only in Virginia and North Carolina but I hear there are ones like them in Texas. In a little over a week I'm gonna have both!!!!

I love Whole Foods (which, of course, we don't have) and this one was very close to our hotel and I made several trips there for food, groceries, etc. It's special to me...