I know y'all love it when I blog about Nene's new decors so I'm not here to disappoint. Yet another move recently, a rental this time as their house sold before they have even started to build their own home. Dare we say "their" house? They are in an interesting neighborhood, oh so much closer to me than before!, and I had to laugh hard when I walked into the door to be greeted by the above. I said I was
sure theirs was the only house, probably in the county at least, but certainly in the neighborhood decorated anywhere near how theirs is. I didn't take photos of the exterior (she wouldn't let me), but no way does the outside prep you for the inside.

Next you are greeted by the Radio Dog-the perfect pet.

And here's the living room in its glory...

...what Nene calls "Mecca" out of respect for Woody, of course. She does a fab job of distraction as usual...

...with those details.

Then you stroll right into the dining room to be met by this beauty who used to live in the bedroom but looks equally at home in the dining area...

...with its...oh yeah...details...

...and overview...

...and ever interesting and inspiring...ummm...details.

Into the kitchen where there shall have to be some surprises left here, not quite finished but still looking pretty darn cute...

...and I said to Nene, "Is there anything you can't do?". Look at these photos she took of her grandkids, she has a real gift but is too humble to admit it-a real gift. You can see more of them on her Facebook page if you find her and get her to accept you as a friend!

This was the only party pic I got from the bedrooms; they aren't quite ready for the photo op except here's another great photo she took, precious.

In the back of the house is a glassed-in porch, wonderful. Well, it might not have always looked anywhere near this wonderful-my guess would be-not even close. I could be wrong; perhaps the previous residents did have an animal print chaise. I should not judge before the facts are known.

They probably had a beautiful dark wood side board with a fab Italian mirror, cast iron bust, and topiary but here's Nene's version.

What I'm just giving you the essence of here is the panelling on the wall of the sun room; there is a bit of a hunting theme "burned" into the wood. Okay, that's the show for now. Of course I'll update as I can but you can see that Nene is well on her way to making this yet another wonderfully beautiful home for she and Woody for the next year. Number...? Anyone want to guess? If you guess correctly you get to help them move next year!!!!!