The rules for this award are...
A) Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
B) Show the 7 winners' names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing then that they were prized with "Honest Scrap", the nifty icon they can display proudly on their blog.
C) List at least 10 honest things about yourself .
Okay, I'm finally doing this...
1. I'm honest to the point of telling any stranger anything they ask about me. Obviously, if you've read this blog as long as you could stay awake, I don't hide much...maybe a little hiding between the lines. I'm an open book which some folks wish I would close occasionally.
2. I've recently had to tell my mom some things from my past that she never knew. Actually I didn't have to tell her, I chose to tell her so that we can remain as close as we've always been. She's kind of a Queen of Denial and there are a lot of things she doesn't want to know and didn't want to know in the past, so there's a time for everything. I choose to tell her only the things I think will bring us closer or explain things that would keep her from knowing what I'm going through at a particular time because, in the end, even if it's hard on her, she really does want to know because she really cares. She handles every single thing with grace-always has. And I'm very careful about how I tell her.
3. I know it sounds cliche but starting with 911, then the October sniper, then loosing my dad, it really hit me that life is just too short and can be too serious and tragic to not have fun and be silly and have as much fun and laugh as much as possible when appropriate...this can be a tricky for me to judge at times. I get misunderstood and offend folks often. I'm pretty used to the weird looks and just have to tell myself it's their bad that they didn't get the joke so they could have the laugh.
4. I'm hilarious if only to myself. And I don't care if no one else gets it or thinks I'm funny, I amuse myself and that's the main purpose for my humor...to entertain myself. I know, selfish, but it's honestly therapy for me.
5. I am not my hair. I am my hair.
6. One confession. When I hit that Mercedes recently I was hopped up on these:

and Coca Cola. I'm not trying to sue Cutie Pie for untoward influence on my driving abilities but I don't think they helped me focus any.
7. I want to live in our family cabin in the country outside of Bryan, Texas more than anything.
8. Contrary to all the things I wish I had and could get, I am truly grateful for my life and blessings and try to remember to thank God often and not take anything for granted and be grateful. When I get my perspective on I realize that most people in the world would kill (and some do) to have what I do.
9. I still complain about the stupid things in life but I'm working on it...constantly.
10. Of all people, I honestly don't know why Julia picked me. She knows me well enough to know that if I perform a boo-boo and don't want to be caught, I truly think I could pass a lie detector test; I'll lie threw my teeth to the death and stick with the story to the grave. Once my story is made nothing will change it. And, being the dichotomy that I am, I'm very trustworthy, very honest...go figure...
A. & B.) Here are the seven awardees (victims) of this...umm..."award"...
1. Mellie of Little Melfred's Studio
2. Aggie Linda of Linda Jo's Observations
3. Beth Holcome of Beth's Bagz
4. Maija of Maigirlz Madness
5. The Gilmore Girls
6. Oprah
7. Cindy at Junque Art
Bueno suerte!!!!!