Above is the precious reason for my trip to Richmond, Stacy, my college roommate and bff extraordinare. Why we never take a picture of ourselves together when we are together I don't know. We are both picture people. Anyway, here she is cropped from a photo I have of her when I was visiting her in Houston last year. There is just not enough time or room to tell how much I adore Stacy; she exudes love, she is love. It's very lovely to be with her as an understatement. Thank you, Stacy, for being you.

On my way there I stopped at Squashapenny Junction in Squashapenny, Virginia. Another fab friend, Patrice, had been telling a group of us for a while about Squashapenny. We had planned for our group to go there together but it's never come about. Mellie made it there by virtue of convenience on a family trip and now me because of going that way also. You can see that I was snapping my first picture before I even closed the truck door getting out. Above, I didn't realize until I was leaving, is the old bank that's been turned into an antiques shop. Oh well, that's for next time and next time will not be another 52 years!
No doubt from the outside that it's going to be wayyyyyy cool inside and it did not disappoint.
It was even a patriotic priveledge to shop there!
If you look at this photo bigger it's a little creepy but in a very cool way...
...on my way out another look at the front porch...
...a huge hand very welcoming coming and going...

...and many of these little vinettes here and there, some not quite sure whether or not they are real until you get really close to them. From here I went onto Richmond and had a great time with Stacy. While Stacy was in meetings on Tuesday I went into Richmond to all the wonderful places where my home girls had suggested I go. I was too busy trying not to get into too much financial trouble to take photos of that part. Again, I don't think it will be long before this eye candy siren calls to me again. I got to the really cool interior design and clothing shops (some combined-real trouble), the World of Mirth "toy" shop, and the place everyone mentioned, Ukrops. Ukrops is a grocery store which has been a historical part of Richmond and is famous for their baked goods. Stacy got her dinner from there at the salad bar but I went straight to the bakery. I only ate the custard tart that night that Patrice had suggested but brought home a half of one of their famous layer cakes and a whole layer cake for our neighbors who took care of Matt at the last minute when Paul had to take his dad to the hospital after I had arrived in Richmond. Paul's dad is still in the hospital with nothing remarkable found yet but tests are still being done...an aside...other than that it was a great little trip!!!