Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Michael Moore... "More we, less me."...Amen!

This is a follow up to my reminder yesterday to watch Michael Moore on Oprah. He was great, of course, I love him anyway, but hopefully, as he said, people will see this as a "people" rather than "political" problem affecting all of us. He made a lot of brilliant points and I personally can not wait to see the film. It is another subject which I feel passionate about. Another revolution to work harder on. If you missed it I'm pretty sure you can probably catch it on Oprah.com, should be able to click on it on the right here. Let's get fired up!

1 comment:

Tammy Gilley said...

Hey Stephanie! At last we "meet"! Thanks for popping by my little blog and for your very sweet comments...give a hug to our friend Mellie. xoxo