Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Finally, Spring is Coming Around...Slowly

Here it is the middle of April and we are still having pretty cold weather, using the heater, and wearing winter clothes. Except last week when we had two hot because it was so dang humid that in the 70 degrees felt like a sweltering 90. But I'm not here to complain, I'm here to celebrate our color coming back, so here it is...
We have not one but two requisite cherry trees in our yard; one in the front, one in the back. They start out white as snow then turn pink then fall off, it looks like snow again, then the green comes out.
Believe it or not with all my love of gardening and flowers I've never tried bulbs before. So last fall I went straight from a young mother's funeral (from breast cancer) to Lowe's to get bulbs. I went directly home and planted them not knowing if I was doing it right...I just knew I needed to do something as a permanent reminder of not only Denise but also of her husband and three children left to grieve her. I had always heard that they are to be planted in fall but forget as fall is when I start to freak out about the color going away instead of thinking of planting. The occasion inspired me to break the pattern and have a remembrance of the spring bloom that follows the winter death. I was so pleasantly surprised that it looks like I did it right. I'll try to remember to add more next fall but need for the same reminder or inspiration.
That hardy Vinca, kept at it all winter somewhat, and now back early and in bloom and ready to jump.
This falcon or whatever it is landed in back of our house week before last. My father-in-law and I studied it for quite some time then I got out my camera. It made several great sweeps around the back yard right when my batteries were dying but I got at least these for proof.
This is the cherry tree from our back yard in full bloom. Updates as they arrive. Still stalking the birds at the feeder quietly but haven't caught my perfect photo-op yet but have been enjoying in person very much.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Really cute fence....lucky you to have those beautiful cherry trees. I am coveting the iron grate in the wicker basket. xoxo, Julia