The last couple of weeks have been hard. I'm not even going to try to be enlightenedly politically correct by having proper perspective-I tried that. It was better in the end to just feel what I felt and then I knew it wasn't going to last. That part
was easy, thankfully, that I could pinpoint the weather as the biggest offender to my disposition. We had only seen the sun a couple of times in the past couple of weeks
and still cold-still the PTCWFS with some other coincidental challenges thrown in. I was really feeling sorry for myself last week and early this week; that's why I
didn't blog-I knew it was a bad combo platter of mid-life crisis, menopause, ill-intentioned folks, and cold dreary weather but was pretty sure it was temporary. I always had/have Texas coming up to look forward to-that's gets me through most anything.

Sooooooooo, if it looks like I've done nothing but shop stuff, you're pretty close. Although I did do the "mental health day" on Monday-in bed with books and mags, I was off and running by Tuesday getting the shop ready for a new influx of furniture, picked up said furniture on Wednesday (even at 10 miles away it was a harrowing experience) and at the shop 'til 11 that night hauling out old and display pieces and rearranging the new.

I know I just redid the shop last week following the DCBF but I was ready for A WHOLE NEW LOOK, one I've wanted for years but didn't have the chance until now. I've always loved the look of a bed set up with furniture inside as a vignette. I've got a really nice woman I consign for who is paring down prepping for a big move so that's where the furniture came from. Beautiful antiques. The gorgeous bed has been retro-fitted to be a queen size! Plus, plus, plus...just a fresh look.

It's a cheaper form of retail therapy-be the one selling not buying-although there have been so many new things coming into the shop that I can't say I haven't been using a little of that therapy too.

We finally saw a peek of the sun and slight warmth on Wednesday, just enough to get us through yesterday-dreary rain and cold-and today it's sunny but still in the 40's-ugh but climbing the next few days. Calgone, take me to Texas!