Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Got Mail from home!!!!

I love when I "forget" that I've ordered something then I'm surprised (no quotation marks, I really am surprised) when I get mail. Today was one of those days and such a good on for it at that. On this gloomy, cold, rainy day and no end of winter in site (yes, still, yesterday we got in the 60's and saw some sun part of the day too-yippie!, but that's been it for us so far this "Spring"), this was a very bright spot in my day.
From Tina at {Glue on my Fingers, Paint in my hair}, a girl from my hometown. I'm guessing she was in kindergarten when I was in high school or worse...I'm going to try my best to find out all the scoop and meet her when I'm there next week. Check out the soldiered piece on the ribbon wrapping the "real treasure" inside. Oh yeah, that's going on a jewelry piece in the next half hour, tops..
Then Voila!!!!! here's the fab soldiered necklace I ordered from her at her Etsy shop ! How fab is this and just in time for me to take to Round Top and the Cowgirl Prom!!!
Another view, more close-up but not as's gonna look best on my gown (gown is the operative word as I'm starting with a night gown, no, not flannel, lace-uhu. That's all I'll say for now but I'm making up for the dorky dresses my mom picked out for the dances I went to in junior high and high school. Sorry, Mom, but just because it comes from Neiman's does make it right; your taste back then ran towards the matronly, upper crust New England or Neiman's-in-Amish-country look. But I digress drastically.) at The Cowgirl Prom hosted by the Junk Gypsies. See link on right. Anyway, I'm a comin' to town, Miz Tina, and I wanta meet ya'. Pics? Oh yeah!!!

1 comment:

Tina(Taken over by her daughter, Nicole) said...

Yea!! it arrrived and you love it! What more could I ask for! Thanks for the purchase!! I'll be in CS on the 7th doing a faux job!!