I've been waiting a looooooooooooong time to get new wallpaper and I finally got it this week. I had the idea and got the new paper way before Miz Juney ever decided to re-do her kitchen-FYI. I had a friend who was going to install it but couldn't bring herself to tell me that she didn't want to do it because it was such a shit job, so it took me way too long to get the hint then I found someone else to do it. This photo also shows the chandelier that we took out of Paul's Uncle Robbie's NYC apartment. It was a very dusty gold. I removed the crystals and spray painted over the dust, cleaned the crystals, and added shades. I love using heirlooms whenever possible.

I was beginning to get really nervous having hundreds of dollars of wallpaper sitting around the house for so long. It was a ridiculously priced job because the most wall in the area-the kitchen and breakfast nook-is a 5 foot wide wall, above and only 8 foot ceilings. The rest is a 3 foot knee wall, a sliding glass door, two doors, two entryways, a fridge cutout, and cabinets- so mainly just soffetts to paper.
Sooooo much expensive paper wasted but there was no other way. OVER 12 YEARS we had the other paper. The new is a beautiful robin's egg blue background which is the same color as my dining room which the paper bumps up against. It also has very similar flowers to the ones on my roman shades in the family room which it bumps up against on the other side. The picture is also from Uncle Robbie's apartment-one I just fell in love with and am so happy to have the perfect place for now.
Here's the old paper. APPLES ON VINES. Very similar to the paper two papers ago in Miz Juney's kitchen. 12 years. That's too long. It wasn't just Paul's fault; I got too used to it too and just didn't see it for the last few years then suddenly I did see it and went, "Yikes!, where have I been?".
Here it is close up. I know, not even really right for 12 years ago. Not a classic design but this is our first house and I made so many mistakes at first; the whole house has been done over at least once but this was wallpaper and wallpaper has to be lived with unless you're made of money. That's why I splurged on this new one-Thibaut-to get a more classic look, hopefully, that will work for a while. The other one was right off the shelf-how embarrassing. I still have to make the new curtains from the same pattern fabric with a yet-to-be-found coordinating fabric. Of course I'll let y'all see!