Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Surviving New Bedroom Furniture

I mentioned when I did the post where we got our new sofa that we were also getting new bedroom furniture.  We had always used Paul's parents' furniture and an antique bed that I insisted we buy a couple of years ago that was not...umm...practical.  So when I realized we needed all new furniture I really panicked.  I've barely bought two matching chairs in my life much less a whole matching set of furniture.  Janine assured me that once I put all my crap all over it that it would be okay.  Well here it is and we are happy.  The sleigh bed.  Notice I did not get matching bedside tables.  We bought the floor model set which only came with one beside table, adding another would have been a ridiculous price plus that let me opt out of matching.  I got the little round table for my side in matching wood.
And here's the prime example of me putting my crap all over so that you can't tell what the actual furniture looks like.  And this is just a few days old, first draft if you will, so...
And the other dresser.  Note there is no t.v. in the bedroom now.  Our t.v. did something weird when we moved everything and we are trying to see if we could get used to not having one.  There was something about a big, black t.v. on top of an antique white dresser that never did appeal to me.  And this dress is too high for a t.v., so who knows, we don't feel like dealing with it right now anyway. I know, nothing thrilling, but we feel like grown ups having our own bedroom furniture for the first time in our 50's.  Oh, and the huge promise I had to make...no painting it white...hmmmm....details...


Julia said...

I think you might be an official grown-up now. Making wise choices and having a matching bedroom set.

I'm still laughing about the refrigerator box down by the river.

xoxo, Julia

PS...didn't go to the Bryan thing...but it did look like fun. surely there'll be another one.

Hope said...

Hi Stephanie~
It has been awhile and missing my Silver Bella sisters. Are you coming back this year? I sure hope so. Your blog looks awesome....and I just love High School Reunions....they are the best.