Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2010 Historic Ellicott City Show House

"We" finished the rooms at the show house last week.  Actually, Karen has been tightening up this week, but for the most part, it was done last week.  I say "we" because my name is in all the publications as a designer.  Karen was lead designer, wanted to make most of the decisions, and that was fine with me!  I nodded a couple of times and did a little here and there but felt ever so undeserving until last week when I put in some real time.  Unfortunately for Karen, it's the hard part; for me, it's the easy part, because it is the easy, fun part of doing the decorating.
We did the show house decorating under the umbrella name of The Pink Cabbage to promote the shop.  One of our shop owners is a fabulous artist.  Kate painted and did the treatment on the walls and painted all the art for the rooms-we love it. 
Many folks at The Cabbage contributed their wares for the room.  We like to think of it as an overall feeling of all the different shops we have-11-within these decorated rooms.
Most of us brought in what we had that would fit into the feel of the rooms.  Oh, yeah, we had three rooms; the master bedroom, bath, and dressing room.  Lots to take on and Jody, Kate, and especially Karen worked their butts off.
In the dressing room, the vanity before the large oval mirror was hung.  Looks gorgeous with all the vintage clothes, purses, and jewelry.
Here is the detail from the floor cloth that Kate painted for the dressing room.  Beautiful isn't it?  At the very least, these are some of the most beautiful rooms in the house.  Whew, opens tomorrow night with the gala-oh boy!

1 comment:

Mippie said...

OH MY STARS!!! Absolutely gorgeous! I love how bright and sunny the rooms seem-luxurious yet comfortable! I've got to see it in person! I'm not too late am I?