According to Justin, when posed with a question one doesn't want to really answer, the best way out is to start a sentence with, "Well, wutta heppen wuz...", and the inquisitor will just give up. Well, thatta watt I bean dealin' with furr many a week tryin' ta git these (well, if I call them sombitches that makes me look...well...that's about right) guys to hepp thay mamma 'cause she done hurt her back doin it furr weeks wifout thems. I guess watching me walk around bent over and knowing that I had gone to the chiro every day this week helped me get a pinky-swear from them for today's help. Three strong guys for an hour=Me for two months. Pitiful. I got so much done. It was that dang Pintrest that pushed me over the edge; I have/need to make things and that means finishing the move. So here is a peek. Today was the first in months and months that I whistled and felt like whistling. Funny, This Too Shall Pass by India Arie is playing while typing this. Ha! It's not gone away but things are slightly less painful. Acceptance?...

Ya, that's my chair at my desk! Cross your fingers; the fellas don't know about tomorrow yet.