We all live so close to each other but it's ridiculous how seldom we see each other much less get all of us together. What better reason to finally do so than one of us having a brain tumor removed this week; I can't think of a thing better.

Above, from the left, Mellie, Hope, Janine, and Karen. So sorry, Karen, it's not a great photo of you but it's the only one I got and would not leave you out for a thing. Mellie is the one who is undergoing surgery tomorrow, Thursday the 17th. She has details posted on
her blog.

Please forgive me for showing off my table. I do love to dress a table and my dining room is my favorite in the house so I just had to...

...but it does look so much better with people added!

And food and gifts!!!!

It just so happened that we had other reasons to get together. Hope's birthday was the day before and...well...you'll have to check with her for other details. I wondered if it was wrong to use an artist's own art to decorate their gift. As you can see, she was quite pleased. I was going to use several of her stamps but when I placed this one in just black ink it was so simply beautiful that, along with a simple robin's-egg-blue ribbon, it was perfect. All agreed. If you too want to have a great style, click

Even the Kahlua cake that Janine made deserved its own photo-IT WAS FANTASTIC!!! I shall post the recipe as soon as it surfaces, I promise. *******Please keep Mel and her family in your thoughts and prayers especially today, tomorrow, and the next few days******