The Pink Cabbage's annual Strawberry Days. It's GREAT!!!! So much good food and great stuff. We rent out spaces outside the shop in the fields all around. All the space rent and much of the proceeds go to The American Cancer Society. Each year we raise several thousand dollars and people have a great time and get great deals. See you there!!!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Pink Cabbage's annual Strawberry Days. It's GREAT!!!! So much good food and great stuff. We rent out spaces outside the shop in the fields all around. All the space rent and much of the proceeds go to The American Cancer Society. Each year we raise several thousand dollars and people have a great time and get great deals. See you there!!!!
Field Trip For One
In early November, on our birthday, Janine and I went to Hampden (pronounced Hamden and is in Baltimore City) for lunch and to puruse the neat shops around there 'cause it's a cool area. While we were there I saw a piece of furniture in one of the shops that I fell in love with. One to replace the piece above in my dining room. It's a pretty cute cabinet, looks way better in a photo than up close. The problem with it was the closed part took up the whole bottom half. While good for storage there wasn't enough room for the items I wanted to display in that room and no room for Paul's grandmother's china (the main selling point). So, after six months, I finally got the thumbs up from Paul-sight unseen. Wow, it didn't take me long to get that truck to Baltimore.
I decided to turn it into a little field trip for me. A must in Hampden is Cafe' Hon. For you foreigners, there is an accent for real Baltimorians called Balimorese. Part of that language is that everyone from Baltimore (pronounced Balimore) calls each other Hon, short for Honey. So Cafe' Hon is the quintessential place to go for all things related to this Balimore experience.
This is a painting I took at Cafe' Hon of your typical Hon. Beehive hairdo and cat eyed glasses, tight spandex pants, and lots of...ummm...retro-fashionable, cheap bling.
Here's an a-typical booth as most of them are covered in leapord skin fabric but still cute-check out the pictures and the fun chandelier.
Another fun vignette-Jesus, Mary, and Joseph along with a bike and more hon pictures. I went specifically for the bread pudding-OMG-yum. I'd had it before so I knew to expect just what I got-a giant piece of heaven with Bourbon sauce.
Every year they have the Hon Fest and it's later this month. Many, many folks, men and women, dress like Hons. It's hilarious. Some events during the fest include the above by Art Mafia. HUGE TIP: rent or even buy the movie Pecker. It's a great movie and tells a sweet tale of a young man growing up in Hampden; it's hilarious. It's by John Waters who is an idol here and famous for many movies such as Hairspray and Cereal Mom.
Here is the item of my affection. You know what I heard about it..."It looks just like the other one."..."We paid HOW much for a new piece of furniture that looks old?" Once I purdied it up it was accepted into the family more warmly.
I have room for my "green" pieces seen here. Including my daddy in the green lidded jar. Sorry if you think that's creepy but I find it comforting.
Then there includes a shelf area for my pink luster ware...
...and my elephant/circus things...
...and other of my favorite things, most are heirlooms or have some special sentimental meaning. Paul's mother's Victorian figurines, some pieces from Aunt Helen and Uncle Robbie.
And then there's Paul's grandmother's china, really beautiful and should be on display instead of in the cabinet like it always had been before.
That meant that the other cabinet in the room got a good mom's dog collection from childhood and more of Paul's mother's figurines.
Another thing I love about this room is that I have a collection of religious items ranging from pretty to tacky to just wrong like the piece above...Dubner's Restaurant Beer-Wine-Liquores with the thermometer at the bottom-the just wrong catagory.
This is a piece we got out of Uncle Robbie's apartment. It's a hand embroidered cross, heart, and anchor on black velvet...umm...tacky.
The requisite (for a Texas girl anyway) antique hand painted Alamo. Very tasteful.
I got this from my friend, Patrice, a couple of years ago and love it. Beautiful colors, not a photo that does it justice, it's really pretty.
This piece I got from the Baltimore Big Flea. Jody talked me into buying it because she loved it so much but is Jewish and didn't want to put it up in her home. So glad she talked me into it, it's sooo tacky that it's pretty.
So here's my overall new look. Yes, I'm very happy in my most shallow way. I even love my "upside down" chandelier-the big lamp I put on the table but wired it into the ceiling outlet. Voila!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I think it's safe to say...
...that the cloud has pretty much lifted. This is the first day that I have dared to say that since December. And here's one process which gave me reason to believe that I'm better. Last summer I painted the outside of the french doors leading to our deck. As you can see, or rather not see (it's not a great color translation), is that it was a deep terra cotta and dark sage. I don't know. What was supposed to be so great about these doors is that the grids unscrew and you just pop them off, paint them and wash the windows, then pop them back on. I did it a few years ago but with the original almond color. This time things didn't go as well. The grids, being thin plastic, had gotten much older and very brittle and mostly broke apart. Paul and I put them back together as you see here but one little push and the 1/4" thick glass would have fallen out. To keep myself from worrying so much I finally duct taped the grids on and it helped a little but was definitely not burglar proof. I pestered Paul about getting it replaced for, obviously, months. Today was finally the day we got our new door put in!!!
Here's the work in progress WIDE open to the world-the dog thought it was perfect.
I had moved some things out of the way so the guy could work easily and so things would not get broken. When I was cleaning and put things back together when he was finished and I started to notice the little things that I hadn't appreciated in a while. I've had these things for a long time but haven't had any interest in enjoying them. I really started enjoying the beauty of the cup and saucer, the shells, and the crude shelf they are on.
Below the shelf on the radiator (non-working, just decorative) is a cloche with the above photo wired onto the top, love the photo.
Inside the cloche are the dishes from my tea party play set as a child-very precious to me. That's when it occurred to me that the cloud may have really lifted as I was able to fully enjoy them for the reason they are there for-to make me smile and feel happy. Wow, it felt so good to feel that way again. There were weeks I worried that I'd never feel that again. Whew.
After. The new sliding glass door. Not as pretty, in my opinion, as the french doors but they do have the little blinds inside them that the guys love because I can't fiddle around with them. Nope, not a second thought about dinner.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Long Time No Rock
Every so often, especially when I was doing the DC Big Flea market, a "fan" would come around. Mellie and I used to love it when people would recognize our art from a magazine or store or just from previously shopping with us. I've also met and then gotten to be friends with some of my own idols. So when I was in one of my fave shops yesterday the woman working there and I got to talking. It took quite a while to make the circle but eventually she said, "and I just recently discovered The Pink Cabbage.". When I told her I had a little shop there she asked what kind of stuff I have. Eventually we got to, "ARE YOU DOOJIE FROM DOOJIES??!!!". Hand on her heart and gushing about how much she loves my art, how much she's bought in the past, and she just bought some at the shop last week, I got the full treatment. It had been a long time since that had happened and it felt good. It's not only a little ego zing but also a good motivator. And it turns out she knows where all the cool places are in Hampden/Baltimore and wants to give me a good tour. A new friend. Thanks so much Anna!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Trippin' in Texas
So as soon as the plane lands I get out of the gate and go straight to, yes, Schlotzsky's. The first one was in my hometown (Bryan) and as a teen grew up on them. There was one near here in Chevy Chase that I went to a couple of times a year but they've closed down. So whenever I'm in Texas it's on my "to do" list. When I left the airport I drove to Justin's work, Maaco. I was so excited to see him and distracted by meeting his co-workers that I forgot to take a photo but it would be here if I'd remembered.

Straight from Austin I went to Becky's house, got settled in and got ahold of the kids (Lucas and Kristen). It didn't take us long at all to land in the Dixie Chicken for dinner and some pool and Shiner 'til it was ready. Had to go at least once during the trip so a Wednesday night when it's quiet was perfect.
Thursday was a special luncheon at Becky's mom's, Peggy's, home. I hadn't seen Peggy in many years; it was great to see her and her beautiful home. We were joined by Becky's brother, Sam; their nephew's girlfriend, Marilyn; Peggy's caregiver, Berta; and her meal preparer, Cindy. What a fun group. What didn't hurt either was the menu that Becky had requested: fried chicken, green beans, squash, cucumber salad, bread, AND banana pudding for dessert! Wow, the food, company, and conversation were fabulous.

Becky had booked manicures and pedicures for us on Friday, the day of our reunion party. What a great place it was; beautiful decor', mimosas, special tea punch, and plates with cookies, fruit, cheese, and crackers. They knew how to treat a customer!
Becky having her toes done...
...the sweet girl doing my toes. We came out looking a feeling like a million bucks.
So, on with the reunion! We parked behind the church where I grew up and Becky insisted that I take this cool photo of the back of the church showing the cross between the two spires. I love my church.
By the time we got to The Village Cafe the kids had already gotten there including Justin having driven in from Austin. Lucas, Kristen, Becky, and Justin waiting for our food to arrive before the party officially started.
Well on our way...Cindy, Becky, and Cathy.
No one would have guessed that these two would be in a room together much less have so much in common. Pat Bond is my son Lucas' boss's best friend. They had a great time together and Pat's wife, Cathy, told me on Facebook that Pat really wants dreds now! Pat and I made out once in junior high...I love to tell that story because his wife was there but with someone else so I like to kid her that I "had" him first. And now he and my son are buddies! I love small world stuff.
The star of our class that night, Greg Phelps, setting up before the band started.
Nancy, Pat, Cindy, and Pam. Pat's got it figured out!
Cathy (Pat's wife), Greg, and Cindy.
Many of us dancing our butts off, Rhonda in white in the middle.
Had to get my party pic with the lead guitarist.
John and me. John being my stalkee since 7th grade. He was kind enough not to call in the restraining order that night. He's been a police officer and now is part of homeland security so I guess he's not so jumpy about me now.
Bill and me. Bill was the kid brother of a high school friend of mine; I spent a lot of time at his home with his family but...too long of a story...I've been out of touch with his sister and Bill and I are bff's now. What a sweetheart he is. We also grew up in church together. What a fun, kooky family they were; five kids and instead of having a station wagon (too long ago for mini-vans) they had a limo to carry around the family. We had some fun times having Bill drive us to the grocery store and come around and open the door for us in front of the store.
So after the reunion party Becky was still rarring to go. She was determined that we go to the gay bar and see the drag show that night. IN BRYAN, TEXAS. Unbelievable.
I was so glad she drug me there because it was a hoot and a half. So worth the overload of smoke, loud music, and sardined into a crowd. So surreal for my sweet little hometown.
Saturday the kids came over to Becky's and we grilled and chilled and reminessed.
Justin, the grill master. Fun night.
Had to take this photo of what I saw while driving down the road...Texans will grill anywhere anytime.
Mother's Day with the two of my three sons I never get to spend Mother's Day with.
The beautiful flowers my sweet kids gave me.
This is not where we had Mother's Day breakfast but it was the reason that Kristen had a hard time eating hers just thinking about the name. I'm sorry, but Fuzzy, don't you think a name change is in order? Fuzzy tacos, I don't think so.
This, however, is where we ate breakfast. If you're not from Bryan/College Station, Texas then you have never eaten the best donuts in the world. Shipley donuts are what Krispy Kremes wish they could be. YUM.
Monday morning and I'm getting ready to leave town and there are two things I haven't checked off my list. So, in addition to hitting Hobby Lobby, I got my Chocolate Strawberry Jamba Juice and...
...and my Whataburger and I was happy. Totally successful and wonderful!!!!!!
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