Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What the dirty job looks like...

Remember the quote I shared last year, "If God wanted Texans to ski He would have made bullshit white."? Well it started to snow soon after we got up this morning and I had to email Debbie to let her know that Chicken Little from Texas doesn't "do" snow. I'm so embarrassed that on my third day scheduled to work for her I had to bail because this white stuff. I freeze (puns always intended, remember?) into inaction when I see it coming. I hadn't been paying attention to the weather forecast, I knew they said something last weekend about the possibility but then something glittery must have distracted me and I had taken some party pics of horrid conditions under which I had been forced against my will to work around in case I needed proof for some future law suit. Check it out, can you say pro bono? Beautiful vignettes...
...extra large artwork from, well, you know who... vignettes... extra large...
...okay, here's a bit of reality but the kind of reality that makes reality bearable and puts a smile on any grumpy face. So on this fine weather day, I shall continue my blogging and make the goal catching up and getting Nebraska wrapped up. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep~~It's THAT dirty ;)~~~XXOO, Beth