Friday, May 29, 2009
Small projects for big event

Is it wrong?

P.S. I plan to have a party for the shop girls treating them after I finish my workroom re-do. Don't you think that would be a good way to balance things a bit? No pot luck, just lucky pots full of food!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Ben Zoom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Oh my, just for little ol' me?
Last night was my farewell pot luck given to me by the Pink Cabbagites. It was so fab, so overwhelming with wonderful women, wine, and tons of fun.
We started at six with a short business meeting regarding our Strawberry Days Event coming up on May 31st-fundraiser for American Cancer Society. Then we had time to have cocktails, but by the time to eat it was also time for Idol to start. The majority of us had been watching all season but the gals who either aren't big fans and, one who'd never seen it, were good sports and even got into it I think.
Idol dominated but during adverts WE dominated and still had time to laugh and play.
And be "secretive"!?
You can see by all the photos that we had a great group...of course it's always a great group...it's a great group of women. Sniff, sniff...I'm not going there yet, I still have 'til the end of the month.
The gifts were not even something I'd thought of and was so pleasantly surprised as with the beautiful tulips above...
...the big, beautiful pink and white bouquet, wonderful hydrangeas-one of my faves, and the elephant tea pot of which this is my third of the same design, each one a little different-now an official collection!
And my own gift to myself yesterday-the pink metal organizer which I installed onto the cream "island" table in the kitchen. I has a rack under each knob, for plastic wrap, foil, waxed paper, paper towels. It was at (all together now...) THE PINK CABBAGE.
The only way Jody would let me "host" the party at my house was to promise not to do a thing. Well I didn't if you don't count repainting the hallway, rearranging certain things (not like me at all), and clean like never before. What better inspiration to not just play but really clean-really clean-closets and all. Not that I thought anyone would look in a closet but I was just inspired. I only have one "bad" room left-my work room. It will come after the Strawberry Days; I'll be working on getting my things together for that. Okay...back to the food. FOOD, picture Homer Simpson laying on the couch with drool dripping out and that's a good start for last night's profferings. Huge shrimp cocktail, spinach dip, crab dip for appetizers...then onto shrimp salad, Greek salad, spinach and strawberry salad, fresh crescents. Then cup cakes and chocolate whipped cream yummy. Did I mention 238 bottles of wine? It was all so fabulous and I feel so honored that they went to all this trouble for little ol me. Okay, I also know that we all love any reason to have a get together and party! Thank all y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009
New Yawk
So we were already ready for more time out of town so we headed north this time to Longgggg Island to see Pool's (that's how they pronounce it) cousins. They are sweet and fun and we enjoy being with them.
Louise, left, was really in a good mood-I think she had just gotten tired of waiting for my camera to finally work...the batteries were really low. Anyway...Louise, Joseph (14), and Liz (Joseph's mom). Donald and Louise are actually Paul's cousins but we are right between their and their children's ages.
The guys getting to see a re-run of the Yankee game from that day. Paul's the only Yankee fan; Joe, Joseph, and Donald are Mets fans and Matt doesn't like baseball. A-roid still hit the walk-off home run in the re-runs-yay!
We stayed with Donald and Louis in their pretty home...
...with their wonderful picket fence with Matt swinging on the other side...
...on this gorgeous tree-lined street.
We went up early Friday morning for Paul to have a meeting then we drove around the area seeing some sights. I woke up Saturday morning and started crying. I immediately wanted to go home and asked Paul to check out the train info so I could go. I just wasn't myself. Then I figured out it was because Kristen's graduation had just started and I was really missing not being there. Paul found a live stream of A&M PBS of the graduation so we could watch it. I know it's a terrible photo but I was screaming at the time that I took it. Kristen was wayyyyyyyy at the end being a W, so we had been anxious and fired up for a while when she finally made it. It still took me an hour or so to stop crying but I was back to myself soon thereafter and stayed in town to enjoy another day and a half. Can you just imagine when weddings and grandchildren start coming?!
I shouted, "Pull over!", just in time for us to get a parking space for this little art show in Babylon. There is a plethora of fab little villages all around on Long Island. Paul and Matt thought I'd have plenty of time to look around when they dropped me off and went driving around by the water. Ha! I still wanted to show them some of the great things I discovered there when they returned for me. I met a woman whose daughter lives in a tiny town on the Chesapeake Bay near where Nene and I did a whole-house decorating job for over a year. Small world!
There was a nursery/flower shop right on the edge of the art show and I had lots of camera fun there...
...all the glorious colors and the women who ran it were wonderful. Everyone was sooooo darn friendly everywhere we went. You do have to pick up the driving habits quickly in order to get around; it's just a little difern't.
I talked with these folks for a while about a youth center they started a couple of years ago. What a great idea. Of course I realize that it's a little easier to get things done in a small place with a tight-knit community and nice corporate support, but it still takes a few folks with initiative and dedication to children. It was very inspiring.
More color from the nursery...
...and more and more. There was no end to the great neighborhoods, views, and houses. We loved the relief especially when coming from "Clone Home Central", it's so refreshing and a great time of the year since they are just getting their color like us. All in all it was a nice change of scenery and fun with the family (we are lucky to have them and they are the closest we have).

New Highlights before and after and one new thing-oh boy!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Shirley, you do not. The wonderful bed from Hell and staying busy.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Be Full My Heart...The Best Mother's Day Gift

This came in the mail yesterday and, of course, the first thing I had to do was burst into tears. My heart is bursting with pride for Kristen but also for my son who has been her boyfriend for almost three years.
I hope some day she will be my daughter legally but I'm happy just to have her in my life and to have know her as I do. Not to take away any of the very hard work she's done the last four years but I'm also proud of my son, Lucas, for quitting school and going back to work full time to support Kristen through this last year of school. And I also have the personal guilt of pride that our family-us and Lucas' dad and step-mom, Jim and Tammy-have also helped whenever we could, however we could, when they really needed it. They would wait until the they were out of options before they would call. She's family and that's what families do. We love her and are so proud of her. Congratulations Sweetheart! P.S. She's taking finals this week while fighting the flu (remember the swine flu in Texas?). P.S.S. Those of you who don't know about Texas A&M-it is a very hard school to get into and harder to stay in and even harder to graduate with honors.

Happy Mother's Day to me...again
If you recall or want to go back or don't care, last year I drove over to Hagerstown's Ribbon Outlet and then to Leesburg to the cottage on Saturday, the day before Mother's Day as my gift to myself. I asked the guys to go with me but they didn't want to...just as well I'm sure.
I didn't realize that Mother's Day was this Sunday until I heard an advert on the radio on the way over to Leesburg on Wednesday to pick up some leftover things from the show I did with Chick's Picks by Hillary. So I made a side trip to Historic Leesburg to the cottage and low and behold found something to get myself for Mom's Day. Not at all surprising. The above antique bike and attached wagon had my name all over it. Truth be told, this was the original idea I had for the big red bike I put in front of the house. I was going to install it on the knee wall between our breakfast nook and family room but decided that was pushing even me in my decorating oddity. But this was much more "normal". Yes, I got grief but it has long since stopped effecting me. I had to go back on my drive back through to get the nice geraniums they had with them and Nene gave me the alphabet balls last week; I got the cute birdcage at Michael's to display them in.
Here's another view through my fab domino, poker chip, and wire chandelier that I got from Nene a few years ago. I'll admit that there seems to be enough going on in this area now that I can turn my attention elsewhere. Speaking of the cottage...
...while I was there, co-proprietress, Linda, told me that their shop was highlight in-eight pages-of the June issue of Romantic Homes. Now if it's been a while since you picked up an issue of RH it has morphed into a grand inspiring magazine. It has almost taken the hurt off of ME's Home Companion shutting down, and, it comes out every month! I hope I don't get in copyright trouble for this; I'd like to think this will make y'all all run out for your own copy instead of just seeing it here. It's so much better in person and, what's even better, is the shop in person. Grown up lady (age wise, obviously not mentally) candy store. Here are the photos and write up; it's so exciting to see friends so worthy get what they deserve.

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