Friday, July 2, 2010

Are these too cute? That's rhetorical.

My mom has been making sock monkeys for many years now.  She's made between 200-300, mostly the original brown.  She gave a lot to homeless shelters where she and my dad lived so they could give one to each of the children when they came into the shelters.  I've always kept them in my shop wherever I was and they've always been very popular.  A year or so ago she started making blue ones.  They are popular with the boys, but still many folks like the brown because they remind them of the ones they had when they were little.  Okay, NOW she just sent me these PINK ones.  I LOVE them because I love pink and because I know the little girls who come in are going to love them, too.  She only sent three.  I work tomorrow afternoon so that's when I'll be putting them in my shop then we'll see how they go over.  I'll keep you posted.

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